Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First Snow Fall

Well the first snow has fallen in Michigan. Yeah it was nice...but I have been living here for awhile and i know it's only the beginning of a long hellish cold few months. I am not a fan of winter, i hate being cold and would usually rather be sweating than freezing. Some people are the opposite...i know...weird (hehe). But, with my new Canon i guess i will learn to appreciate winter more. Some of the most beautiful pictures are taken in winter so maybe that is something to look forward to. But i definitely don't look forward to driving, being cold, cleaning off my car every morning and being shut in the house during the weekends.


Kim Carney said...

wow, snow already! (my son just said your pants in your avator look like some I have ;)

punkymama said...

I am a girl who feels the same way although I live in *balmy* Philadelphia. I frickin hate winter all of it and I am counting down to the first day of Spring which happens to be exactly 100 days from today. We can make it!

thanks for the link on your blog I am honored!

Jo-Ann aka Punky Mama